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1. (Homage to the Buddha)
Iti'pi so , (Such truly is he: freed from impurities,)
, (having destroyed all mental defilements,)
, (fully enlightened by his own efforts,)
, (perfect in theory and in practice)
, (having reached the final goal)
, (knower of the entire universe,)
, (incomparable trainer of men,)
, (teacher of gods and humans,)
. (the Buddha, the Blessed One.)
- [arahaṃ]
- [lokavidū]
- [Buddha-Vandanā]
- [sammā-sambuddho]
- [vijjācaraṇa-sampanno]
- [satthā deva-manussānaṃ]
- [Buddho Bhagavā'ti]
- [anuttaro purisa-damma-sārathī]
- [bhagavā]
- [sugato]
2. Buddha-Vandanā ()
Iti'pi so bhagavā (Such truly is he: ,)
arahaṃ, (,)
sammā-sambuddho, (,)
vijjācaraṇa-sampanno ()
sugato, (,)
lokavidū, (,)
anuttaro purisa-damma-sārathī, (,)
satthā deva-manussānaṃ, (,)
Buddho Bhagavā'ti. (.)
- [the Buddha, the Blessed One]
- [Homage to the Buddha]
- [knower of the entire universe]
- [teacher of gods and humans]
- [perfect in theory and in practice]
- [having destroyed all mental defilements]
- [incomparable trainer of men]
- [fully enlightened by his own efforts]
- [freed from impurities]
- [having reached the final goal]
3. (Homage to the Buddha)
Iti'pi so , (Such truly is he: freed from impurities,)
, (having destroyed all mental defilements,)
, (fully enlightened by his own efforts,)
, (perfect in theory and in practice)
, (having reached the final goal)
, (knower of the entire universe,)
, (incomparable trainer of men,)
, (teacher of gods and humans,)
. (the Buddha, the Blessed One.)